Holistic AF Health and Wellness

We listen to you and start with habits, food choices, lifestyle, overall stress levels and from there we start to build your program.  By asking questions and getting input from you we can better understand your goals and speedbumps.  Getting healthier, losing weight, and gaining weight is not cookie cutter process.  With our holistic approach we use real foods, real measurements, real habits, real plans designed with you specifically at the helm.  Our program is a lifestyle and easy to follow with proven results. 

AF Holistic Health and Wellness

What we do

We ask you: what are your goals and what are your habits. From there we determine a plan of action that is doable for you based on your goals and current habits. Yes, maybe habits need to change, maybe habits need to be added or changed or removed but it all starts with your input and what you believe is doable.

Habit based programs

What we eat is as important as when and how much we eat. Depending on our current health, activity level, stress level and lifestyle each persons regimen will be different. Additionally, our bodies break down and utilize foods differently and at different paces. So what we put in affects gut health, weight gain, energy levels, moods and so much more. When we learn to eat to live versus live to eat, our bodies start to change as does our relationships with food.

Food choices and why it impacts

What are MACROS and why are they important? Because what we eat is as important as how much we eat and how often we eat. We understand counting MACROS can be overwhelming and exhausting to understand and do for some. That's why we discuss what works for you and what doesn't, we have one on one conversations weekly, we have menu plans, recipes, and ideas to make both MACROS and/or HABIT based programs easy and successful for you.

Understanding macros